Saturday, 22 June 2013

Bandsaw modifications completw

Spent about 4 or 5 hours on modifying my bandsaw.  It now has top and bottom roller bearing guides and a fence. 

The top guide fit without modification.  The bottom one required a bracket to be welded on.  That went pretty well.

The fence required more drastic mods.  I had to take the rable off and cut about 20mm off the front and back.  Then I welded a 5mm x 50mm bar across the front and back for the fence to bolt on to.

Went much better than I expected.

Only problem I have found is I mis calculated for the bolt holes for the fence, and I cant quite adjust it to zero, misses by about 1mm.  Tomorrow I will slot the holes a bit, that will fix that.

The fence doesnt have a drift adjustment but I can add rhat in very easily.   I am going to do a few trials before I do that.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Bandsaw modifications, motor work and more cold molding

A mixed bag of work this weekend gone.   Other commitments took about half the available time.

During the week I bought new upper and lower blade guides for my bandsaw and a rip fence.  The upper guides bolted on like they were made for it.  The bottom ones require me to weld on a mounting plate.

So I went and borrowed my brother's arc welder,  but found the auto darken visor doesn't work, the rechargeable battery is dead. So I took the mask to bits, unsoldered the battery and ordered a new one,  which will hopefully arrive in a day or so.

Mounting the rip fence is also a challenge.  I need to weld a 50 x 5 plate aling the back and front of the table to screw the fence components to. The fence is also about 40mm too short so I either need to cut the table down a little or get another piece of box section to make the fence longer.

Work on the actual boat was not much.  A couple of square meters of cold molding. I am almost out of epoxy resin and almost out of cash at the moment so it might not progress much before next payday.

Lastly for the weekend I bolted on the bell housing.   This went ok, a few minor hitches,  a heat shield I had to trim and one of the bolt holes need a tiny bit of filing. 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Rearranged workshop

I have been a but slack with posting lately. 

I am well into the next layer of ply.  I have had a bit of trouble with that as the ply is not very good.  It snaps easily when trying to ger around the curves at the transom.

I have got both sides done from frame 0 to about frame 6.  I have also made a start on the bottom.

I also spent nearly all of Saturday relocating and rebuilding my mark out table into a workbench configuration with a number of shelves to store tools etc.  I also found I was hoarding a lot of off cuts and so have given them over for fire wood.

The driver behind this was I was running out of space.  With the addition of table saw, compressor, engine crane, engine and more recently the bandsaw there was no room to move.  With the exception if the engine, most of the above is pretty mobile, so my new layout gives room to move these things about as required.  It also means I can do more with the garage door closed.