So after a bit of sanding I decided that the first side I epoxied would be ok.
I have made a tube for the prop shaft hole. I discovered our vacuum cleaner hose would make a perfect mandrel. A couple of wraps of glad wrap and then I wrapped two full layers of wetted cloth around that. I had figured it would take me a couple of attempts to get this right but the first attempt came out pretty well. Had a little struggle to get it off the mandrel but otherwise it came out very well. This has since been epoxied into the hole. This was a three stage effort. First stage was to get it sitting centralised in the hole and aligned correctly. I left the glue to go off. Then as the second stage I completely sealed around the tube on the inside of the boat. Finally as stage 3 I injected un-thickened epoxy down the gap between the hull and the tube. It came out pretty well. For some reason I didn't take any photos of it or the process.
I have applied another coat of epoxy to the entire underside. It went reasonably trouble free. Just missed a couple of small patches. This morning when I went to check it and for the first time experienced Amine Blush. I don't think I have really had this before, but this morning it was very obvious. Not so much to see, but I could feel the greasy film, at first I though it was the epoxy hadn't gone off. Before applying the second coat I did scrub the surface down, mostly because I wasn't sure.
I was planning to apply another coat today but it was still a bit soft this morning. It was pretty cold as well today. So I settled for just cleaning the hull down again. It was while doing this I realised I still need to put the edge back on the transom. So that's my task for after work this week.
The engine has progresses a little as well. The fuse holder has turned up, so the wiring has now been completed to about 95%. I have also ordered a cheap and nasty fuel pump from China as a temporary pump for testing.
I have purchased the undercoat for the bottom, and varnish for the sides and transom. That stuffs not cheap, especially when I am going to need about 10 litres of the varnish. Also got a colour chart for the enamel top coat for the bottom, At this stage I am leaning towards the "Pacific Teal" colour.
Plan is still for flipping in September, but its going to be tight