A long weekend so hoped to make some decent progress. A had another lump of sapelle for slicing up. I had brought a piece big enough for slices of about 180mm. However had a change of heart and decided to make the strakes 100mm. So I sliced about 50mm of the sapaelle and then ran it through the thicknessr. It has a good grain pattern so I set to slicing it up.
Had trouble early on, my bandsaw set up had got all out of wack. In the process I think it stuffed the blade. Took ages to get it running right again. After that slicing went alright. I still can't get it to run super accurate and so end up with quite thick slices and so the wasteage is very high (about 40%)
After that set to doing another length of lam on the bottom, only the first 500 odd mm is sapelle and the rest of the run is ply.
Then did a fill length on the side. That went pretty well. Boards are a lot easier to handle when they are only 100mm.
I have made a big error at the bow. There has to be a transition from the bottom boards sitting on top of to over lapping the side boards. I had made a mess of it, but after a lot of shaping and fitting hopefully I have got away with it.