Sunday, 26 May 2013

Start of another layer

Got a reasonable run on saturday which saw about 3/4 of one side completed.

Really dont like the latest batch of plywood.  After sone doubt it has since proven to be BS1088 ply, but it snaps very easily.

Had a funny moment mixing glue. I use a cheap variable speed drill to mix with. It got away on ne and splatted glue in a line about bench height, got me, the boat, pretty much everything on the work bench.

Monday, 20 May 2013


So on a bit of a whim I bought a second hand bandsaw.

Its reasonably old and has had several modifications done.  Mostly to add or replace guards.   I also suspect it may have originally been powered from a line shaft. The motor seems to have been added on at a later date.

I havent really tried  it yet, gave the power switch a quick flick and it started.  Quite noisy,  probably needs a bit of a lube. It's too late to play with it now; the kids are it.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

2nd Coat of Sealant

I did the second coat of sealer tonight.  So thats two coats.  It seems to be soaking in more than last time I did this.

Got in a bit of trouble, the stuff really smells bad, and tonight, despite counter measures, the smell went through the house.

Anyway, here's a picture after the first coat of selaer

Monday, 13 May 2013

Sanding for this layer is complete

Another hour or two with the orbital, and about 4 with the board sander saw the completion of sanding for this layer.  Theres a few bits that are a bit ugly, but in general it looks pretty good.  I had a closer look at the curve right at the stern (where I did a lot of filling).  The shape still isn't right but its not as bad as it was, and I din't think theres really a lot more I can do. 

Next step will be two coats of sealant, then I'll take a closer look at the low spots and stern and decide what if any action I'm going to take.

Thankfully we are having a great autumn, this weekend was brillant clear skies and about 22 degrees.  I am hoping that it never really gets to cold that I can't glue, I remember last year there was about 8 or 10 weeks where it was just too cold.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Engine & Sanding

Spent a good 4 or 5 hours on the end of the orbital sander in the weekend getting off all the glue squeeze and the bigger high spots in preparation for board sanding.  I haven't finished yet,  I'm guessing there is another hour or 2 to go.  From there its board sanding.  That will probably occupy all of this coming Saturday.

Its taking a while, but it looks pretty good.  I have found a area on the chine up toward the bow where it dips away a bit.  I will need to do a bit of filling and fairing before starting the next layer.

The engines diet continues.  Tonight I took the torque converter off.  I thought that was going to be a tough job, but it turned out to be pretty easy.  I then tried to fit the new bell housing but the exhaust manifolds foul.  So off they came as well.  Was planning on leaving them on until I could get the new manifolds but never mind.

So now nothing fouls the bell housing, but the old bolts are too short so I gave up on that.

The engine wiring harness is looking pretty good.  I have got all the unused wiring out, and labelled up the things I am not certain off.  All of the tape on the loom is stuffed, as is the rubber tubing that a lot of the loom was in.  I am going to have to replace that with something.  Its on the to do list.

I still have a large number of wires to sort out, these are ones that go into the computer, but don't come from the engine.  I have quite a few drawings and things seem to match up so its looking ok.

I'll try and remember to take some pictures during the day in the weekend