Saturday, 16 February 2013

fairing and cold molding

Having sanded down one of the sides, I decided that there were several spots that needed building up before applying the next layer so I went and got some West 407 fairing powder.  It mixes and woks quite differntly to the glue powder.

I have just about fixed all the hollows, just got a bit at the stern to sort.  This didn't stop me applying the next layer between frame 1 and about 6.

I also added a second layer to the transom.

Again no photos because it doesn't look any different

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

2nd Layer on the bottom complete

Busy day today.....

Finished the second layer on the bottom. 

Then made a start on fairing one of the sides.  This is hard work with the long board.  I wore out the first batch of sand paper then had to go and buy a heat gun in order to peal the sand paper off.  I read somewhere a heat gun and scrapper would release the sand paper from the board, I didn't think it would work but it did, it worked really well.

The heat gun I bought was a Bosch one, to continue my love affair with Bosch tools.  There wasn't a lot of choice, a couple of cheap crappy ones, and a couple of expensive good ones.

Also trimmed the bottom planks to give a nice curve again, looks really cool.

 Focus now is on fairing the sides in preparation for the second layer.  I think that's going to take several days of hard work.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Update on the dodgy compressor and the second layer

Ended up buying a new pressure switch for the compressor.  This one has an adjustable cut in pressure and adjustable differential.  However even with the differential backed right off, it still is about 2 bar between cut in and cut out.

And I've ended up with a small leak.....sigh......

But on a happier front, I am closing in on the finish of the second layer on the bottom.  One side is about 95% done, the other about 80%.  We have another holiday on Wednesday and my goal is to push the second layer over the finish line.

I haven't bothered posting photos, because its hard to distinguish in the photos between layers.

Also spent up larger on another 12 lt pack of epoxy and 12 lt bag of glue powder.  My first 12 lt set is almost shot.

With a bit of luck I will also be going shopping for my motor sometime in the next 6 - 8 weeks.