I have been very slack with updating my blog over the last month. I see its just over a month since my last post, but I have been busy in that time.
All of the side battens are now in place. They all went on without any major surprises. In fact I found doing the starboard side a little tedious, but I think that was mostly due too the limited access making the process a bit slow at times.
I had to invest in a bulb for my work light, and I also bought a lead lamp. It was too hard trying to pick up where I had marked out the notches otherwise.
I have also cut down all the deck beam bolts. A small job but had to be done while I could still get a hacksaw in. It would be almost impossible once the side battens had been glued in.
I have also been and bought all f my plywood. So I am ready to launch into the next phase.
So I have to do final fairing, and then apply 1 or 3(?) coats of C.P.E.S. before I launch into cold molding.
C.PE.S.; I orginally bought a brand called EPG, but as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts I got nervous about product support and switched to West. The frames and stringers have had one coat of the EPG brand. The West guy tells me that one coat is enough. The Glen-L forum has people advocating at least 3 coats.
Q1 Do I do 1 or 3 coats
Q2 Do I use up my remaining EPG product, I have enough for about 15 sq Metres.
Q3 Do I put West over the top of EPG ?
I have worked out that the area to be coated is about 25 sq metres. So my EPG would only do about half a coat, or I could coat everything that hasn't yet had a coat with that, and then do a West coat over the top ???
I don't know. Need to talk to the West guy.
Any way here is a photo with the port side battens complete. I haven't yet taken one with the starboard battens in place