Sunday, 15 April 2012

2nd lam on the sheer

Did the second lamination on the port sheer clamp. I was really surprised how quickly it went. A couple of frames needed a minor trim and then it was out with the glue.

Used all of my clamps and could have done with another 4 or 5.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

250 ft of battens

Spent ages today sawing up and thicknessing 250 ft of batten material. It's not enough to complete the battens, still need about another 40 ft but it will keep me busy for a while to come

Thursday, 12 April 2012

A little more progress tonight

Sanded back the screw heads on the sheer on the other side.

Trimmed the end of the chine flush with the transom on the other side.

Filed the chine down at another couple of frames. At about frame 6, the screw securing the chine was in the way so I had to remove it, and of course it sheared off. I'll put another screw in after I have finished fairing. I'll look at a different way of dealing with this problem on the next frame I have an issue with.

Made a filler piece to raise the surface of frame 1 up so that it can be faired properly. Just needs to be glued on.

Revisited the extra piece I glued onto the chine. The idea was right I just didn't carry it far enough forward so I have made another piece to glue on as well and then I should have enough to fair back so you will never know. Again just needs glueing on.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Tentative fairing

Decided to spend an hour on the boat tonight, not something I normally do during the week as I can't really make much noise.

However I did break out the belt sander and sanded flush the tops of the screws securing the sheers. Also stuck a couple of the frame bolts back in. I am 1 nut short...bugger

Then decided to look into fairing. Started off by running my straight edge along frames 0 to 4. Frame 1 is quite low. I am going to have to glue a filler on. The rest line up pretty nicely. So then I got the rasp out and chewed the chine down level with the frame on 0, 1 & 2. Quite scary at first. I can see quite a bit of material is going to get feed to the power plane.

Finished the night by cutting the chine off flush with the transom on one side. Needs a touch up with the sander but looks ok.

Weather is bad today, I think winter might be checking in. I am going to have to use every available opportunity to saw and plane my remaining boards because I can't do it all in the shed as it wont fit. A couple of weeks of bad weather will stop progress completely.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Scarfing the sheers

Not a lot done today. Scarf jointed the next layers of the sheers.

A couple of days ago I started to "repair" an earlier mistake. Frame 2 is about 4 or 5 mm off centre. So on one side I have added a packer to build the frame out to meet the edge of the chine. That seems to have worked very well and with some fairing etc I doubt you will be able to tell when it's finished.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, somehow I have ended up with my transom not level, so one side sits about 5mm higher than the other. Its easily seen now so I don't know how I missed it at the time. Anyway one of the side effects is the chine had to be notched in fairly deeply and now there is about 8mm from the chine face to the edge of the frame. I glued on a packer to try and counter this but looking down the lines of the boat this is not going to work. So I'll need to hack that off and come up with a plan B


Re-sawed the first 4 battens. Still can't get over how much saw dust these operation create. So now I have about 60 feet of batten material, but need about 270. Checked my stocks, I am going to have to get another couple of planks.

Also mostly prepared the last length I needed for the sheers. Just need to run in through the planner to clean it up.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Scratchs and scrapes

Probably the thing I am looking forward to most about completing the sheers will be the protection they offer.

I have a multitude of scratches from working around the frames which had quite sharp points and edges. It got a bit better when the notches were cut, but hopefully the sheers being fitted will be the end of that.

Sheers are on

Without much hassle the first lamination of the sheers has been glued on.

Did one side yesterday, with the other side clamped in place to provide counter pressure. Then today glued the remaining side.

Bit scary pushing big #14 screws through one layer of sheers into the frames. Had one frame crack a little bit.

I had trouble getting the sheer to sit nicely on the breasthook on one side. But after glueing and screwing it sat beautifully, then the side that was sitting nicely went screwy when it was glued. Never mind nothing a bit of fairing won't disguise.