This is more or less a diary to document the fun that I hope to have in building a mahogony runabout. The design I have chosen is by Glen-L in the states, and is called a "Monaco". It comes in at a little over 19 feet long, and will look very similiar to the runabouts of the 1930's and 40's. It will be powered by a Lexus V8 4litre (250) engine that will be "Marinised" for safety and suitability.
I am luckly in that my nearest launching point for a boat is about 500 metres from where I live, its a sea harbour, but we live quite a way up the harbour and usually the water is reasonably smooth and theres plenty of room.
To find out more about the boat design you can go to
There is also a very active boat builder forum, without which I wouldn't attempt this project. This can be found at
I have spent the last 2 years planning, reasearching, SAVING (these things aren't cheap to build), and I am about to actually start building. Last weekend I made a big table out of a 4' x 8' sheet of ply. This is to mark out and construct the frames on. This weekend I indend on going out and buying my first lot of timber.